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When working on remote servers, losing SSH connections can be frustrating and disrupt your workflow. Here's a simple bash function that automatically starts or reattaches to a tmux session when connecting to a server, while also syncing your local tmux configuration.

Add this to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc, then simply use ssht <hostname> to connect. Your session will persist even if your connection drops.

function ssht() {
    local tmux_config_path="${HOME}/.config/tmux/tmux-server.conf"
    local remote_tmux_config_path="~/.tmux.conf"

    # copy the local tmux config file to the remote server
    if [[ -f "$tmux_config_path" ]]; then
        scp "$tmux_config_path" "$1:$remote_tmux_config_path"
        ssh -t "$@" "chmod 750 $remote_tmux_config_path"
        echo "Local tmux config file not found at ${tmux_config_path}"

    # set the window name to the host name
    if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then
        local host=$(echo "$@" | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's/@.*//')
        tmux rename-window "$host"

    # ssh into the remote server and start tmux
    ssh -t "$@" "tmux attach || tmux new-session"